Non-Invasive Neurostimulation Therapies (NINET)
– Institute of Mental Health (IMH)
Public Advisory Committee (PAC) Terms of Reference
– Brenda Jagroop and NINET PAC members
The NINET – IMH) at the UBC focuses on researching the clinical applications of non-invasive neurostimulation therapies and applying the research findings to clinical practice. The laboratory is committed to investigating the most relevant research questions that can translate safely, rapidly, and efficiently into clinical practice. Our mission is to alleviate the suffering of those suffering from a variety of mental illnesses.
Beyond clinical research and practice, we also believe making knowledge accessible to the public is a powerful tool to enhance health and well-being within our communities. Thus, we proactively work to make this knowledge available on our website, through scientific meetings and publications, and public talks. To help accomplish all this, we built the initiative, the NINET-IMH PAC. Our goal of forming this committee is to provide insights/feedback to improve the clinic.
Purpose of the PAC
The objective of PAC is to provide a vehicle to further meaningful patient engagement and enable NINET and the NINET-IMH Clinic to work collaboratively with patients. The PAC members will collaborate in achieving the goal of public engagement and representing community interests by providing input, perspective, and specific expertise, and recommendations. The responsibility for the management of the NINET-IMH Clinic ultimately rests with the principal investigator of the lab/clinic, Dr. Vila-Rodriguez.
Members of the PAC
- At least 5 patient partners that received medical treatment at NINET or associated clinics
- 1 UBC student member
- 3 NINET staff/student members
- Dr. Vila-Rodriguez
Roles of the PAC
- Serve as a source of patient input targeted towards enhancing knowledge translation activities, informing the research agenda of the lab, and improving the NINET-IMH Clinic.
- Each year, review and prioritize actions for the upcoming year.
- PAC may wish to choose to hold additional project meetings.
- Give editorial approval of monthly newsletters to inform the lab/clinic users and other physicians about updates, strategies, and rTMS news.
Responsibilities of PAC Members
- Members are expected to bring their own perspectives to the table, but to understand that the purpose of the committee is to share multiple ideas and diverse perspectives and bringing them together to create a more informed consensus.
- Participating in the PAC is voluntary with commitment term of a calendar year.
- Members are responsible for putting an effort to attending (virtual attendance or in person) monthly meetings. The meeting time for the year will be confirmed at the yearly planning meeting.
- Patient partners will take on the role as a rotating co-chair with one staff member to allow better communication.
During meetings, public events, and other activities related to the PAC, all members will endeavour to conduct themselves as follows:
- Support an open and inclusive process.
- Treat others with courtesy and respect.
- Listen attentively with an aim to understand.
- Be open to outcomes, not attached to outcomes.
- Share and discuss ideas from an objective perspective.
Responsibilities of NINET-IMH
Carry out support functions such as:
- Administrative functions such as booking the room, writing agendas, and clearly communicating with patient partners.
- Work with the patient partners to ensuring that the patient advisory members’ input can be effectively translated.
- Investigating funding opportunities to support the development and operation of PAC.